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Archive Monthly Archives: May 2020

What beer to drink in Germany

What Beer to Drink in Germany: A Complete Guide

Finding what beer to drink in Germany is a very simple process. Find the nearest place that sells beer, and then drink it! You are pretty much guaranteed a good product. In this article, I will help you discover which beer you should be drinking while visiting the Mecca of beer drinkers. Germany. There are […]

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What Beer Goes With Cheese? A Complete Guide

Wine and cheese is such a classic combination that it is almost always the go-to food and drink combination when entertaining. But in many countries, beer and cheese is just as popular. Considering the much larger variety of flavours available with beer this makes a lot of sense. In this article, I am going to […]

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What Beer to Drink in London: A Complete Guide

While I now live in Nottingham, I spent the first 30 years of my life living in London. Thanks to my love of beer, I would now consider myself something of an expert in the beer culture of this great city. So I thought I would help you to decide what beer to drink in […]

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what beer goes with steak

What Beer Goes With Steak? A Complete Guide

Many people agonise over what meal they would have as their last if they were on death row. Not me! It would be steak every time. It is my favourite meal, it is the one I will always ask for if given the chance. As you can imagine, I am also a pretty big fan […]

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Does drinking beer prevent you from building muscle

Does Drinking Beer Prevent You From Building Muscle?

Most men want to build muscle, most men also enjoy drinking beer. But does drinking beer prevent you from building muscle? In this article, I will take a look at the research in a bid to find out exactly what happens. As part of a balanced diet, and in moderation, beer does not prevent you […]

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Is a Vegan Diet Healthier Than a Regular Diet?

Is a vegan diet healthier than a regular diet? This is a question that I’ve really struggled with over the years. On the surface, it seems quite straightforward. Vegan dieters are shown to live longer, have fewer health issues, and are generally fitter and leaner than people who follow regular diets. But does that mean […]

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quit personal training

Why I Quit Personal Training: BnB Podcast

This is the first podcast that I’ve done alone. Just Matt, no Todd. The reason? In September 2018 I moved from London (technically Watford) to Nottingham. After several tear-fuelled discussions with our respective partners, Todd was not allowed to come with me and live in my shed. So until I work out a way to […]

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How to store beer

How to Store Beer: All You Need to Know

Thanks to my Beer52 beer subscription, my fondness for online shopping, and my local pub needing to sell their stock due to the lockdown, I currently have quite a lot of beer. Because of this, I am very aware that my beer needs to be kept in top condition. So I have taken it upon […]

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