Tag Archives for " alcohol "

How many calories in a pint of stella

How Many Calories in a Pint of Stella?

Stella Artois is a lager that has been popular for a very long time. In Britain, the brand has gone in and out of fashion over the years. At one point it was associated with high-class, then it was associated with binge-drinking and anti-social behaviour. Now, the brand’s reputation is on the rise again. But […]

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How much alcohol is in guiness

How much alcohol is in Guinness?

Guinness is one of the most recognisable beer brands in the world and is brewed in 50 countries. The beer is synonymous with Irish culture but is also incredibly popular in England and Nigeria (both countries drink more Guinness than Ireland each year). But how much alcohol is in Guinness? In this article, I will […]

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