If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ll probably know about the downsides of steroids, and many of the benefits. But what is my actual opinion on them? Should steroids be legal? By which I mean, should they be legal to buy without a prescription? Or should the status quo remain? Should Steroids be Legal? My […]
Continue readingMost diets fail. They either fail immediately, within a couple of weeks or after a number of weeks. Sometimes they can appear to succeed, but after a year, you’re back to square one. Which if you think about it is a fairly common result. In this podcast, I give five reasons why your diet is […]
Continue readingThe inspiration for this podcast came from an article I wrote a few months back, it was looking at the potential health benefits of drinking beer, and weighing them up against the downsides. The article was fairly interesting to write, and I thought that it might suit podcasting even better. So, is beer healthy? Let’s […]
Continue readingIn this podcast, I talk about the seven mistakes I made as a personal trainer. This was not the most enjoyable thing for me to do! But it led to a pretty damn good podcast (in my opinion). Much better than if I’d named my seven greatest successes or my best features. The Top Seven […]
Continue readingI’ve been planning on writing an article that answers the question “can bodybuilding be considered a sport?”, but decided to do a podcast first. I’ll write the article at some point and may come out with a completely different answer! Can Bodybuilding Be Considered a Sport? In the podcast, I first discuss my relationship with […]
Continue readingI talk about creatine a lot, I’ve written hundreds of articles online about its benefits, drawbacks, and supplements that contain it. I’ve been a freelance fitness and nutrition writer for 6 years now, and clients are always asking for articles about it. This podcast talks about five surprising benefits of creatine. What are the Five […]
Continue readingIn the past, I’ve written articles for other websites that have argued for and against the paleo diet. This may sound hypocritical, how can I write one article while having an opposing opinion? Well firstly, I got bills to pay y’all. Secondly, I am not for or against the paleo diet. So I can write […]
Continue readingToday’s podcast is all about discovering why personal trainers hate cardio. Obviously, not all personal trainers hate it, but there are enough PTs spouting off about their hate for traditional cardio for it to be worth looking at. Do they have a point? This episode explores the truth. Why Personal Trainers Hate Cardio The podcast […]
Continue readingCan You Lose Weight While Drinking Beer? That is the type of question that Beer n Biceps was created to answer! In fact, I’ve already written an article about it, check it out here. But not everyone has time to waste reading words on a page, so I decided to do a podcast on the […]
Continue readingI try not to lean too heavily on one side or the other when it comes to fitness arguments. Partly because I hate conflict (unless I’m drunk) but mostly because I think that having strong views on scientific subjects should only come once you have mastered your field. The truth about keto diets is that […]
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