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Archive Monthly Archives: June 2022

Do Bodybuilders Need More Sleep?

Do Bodybuilders Need More Sleep?

Sleep is the most underrated factor when it comes to your physical and mental health. It is just as important as diet and exercise but is so often overlooked. Many an amateur bodybuilder has had every aspect of their training finely tuned, but made the error of not getting enough sleep each night. But, do […]

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do bodybuilders do keto

Do Bodybuilders Do Keto? A Complete Guide

The ketogenic diet is no longer the fresh new and exciting diet it was five years ago. Today, it is just a normal diet followed by a large number of believers. But is keto big in the bodybuilding world? Do bodybuilders do keto? If so, does keto offer them any advantages over their competitors? Very […]

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Do Bodybuilders Inject Oil?

Do Bodybuilders Inject Oil? Everything You Need to Know

Ten years ago, if you had told me that there would be people injecting oil directly into their muscles I would have believed I was talking to a crazy person. It sounds horrific. But it is becoming increasingly popular. We’ve all seen the crazy photos of amateurs going overboard, but do bodybuilders inject oil? And […]

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Do Bodybuilders Intermittent Fast?

Do Bodybuilders Intermittent Fast?

Intermittent fasting has been a popular dieting technique for a while now, and many fitness professionals recommend it to their clients. But do bodybuilders intermittent fast? Some natural bodybuilders may use intermittent fasting during a cut. However, pro bodybuilders are unlikely to follow intermittent fasting as it has no real benefits while making it more […]

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Do Bodybuilders Have Cheat Days?

Do Bodybuilders Have Cheat Days?

Anyone who has grown up on a diet of Bodybuilding YouTube videos and documentaries such as Pumping Iron will remember watching their heroes eating massive cheat meals. But do bodybuilders have cheat days? Or are they more disciplined in their approach to nutrition? Many bodybuilders still have cheat days, particularly after competitions. However, having a […]

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Do bodybuilders fast before a competition

Do Bodybuilders Fast Before a Competition?

The modelling and acting worlds are full of stories of people fasting for long periods before a shoot or particular scene. The idea is that avoiding food will help to keep you looking as lean as possible. But what about bodybuilders? Do bodybuilders fast before a competition? Bodybuilders do not fast before a competition. This […]

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