Category Archives for Blog Post

Do Bodybuilders Have Cheat Days?

Do Bodybuilders Have Cheat Days?

Anyone who has grown up on a diet of Bodybuilding YouTube videos and documentaries such as Pumping Iron will remember watching their heroes eating massive cheat meals. But do bodybuilders have cheat days? Or are they more disciplined in their approach to nutrition? Many bodybuilders still have cheat days, particularly after competitions. However, having a […]

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Do bodybuilders fast before a competition

Do Bodybuilders Fast Before a Competition?

The modelling and acting worlds are full of stories of people fasting for long periods before a shoot or particular scene. The idea is that avoiding food will help to keep you looking as lean as possible. But what about bodybuilders? Do bodybuilders fast before a competition? Bodybuilders do not fast before a competition. This […]

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What Foods Do Bodybuilders Eat?

What Foods Do Bodybuilders Eat? Analysing the Pros

What foods do bodybuilders eat? A simple question with a relatively simple answer: Bodybuilders will eat pretty much anything. But successful bodybuilders know what to eat and at what time. This article will take you through everything you need to know about bodybuilder nutrition. While no two bodybuilders will follow the same diet, there are […]

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What foods do bodybuilders avoid?

What Foods do Bodybuilders Avoid?

There are hundreds of resources online telling would-be bodybuilders what foods to eat. There are also a lot of articles talking about what foods to avoid. But how accurate are they? What foods do bodybuilders avoid? There are no foods that all bodybuilders avoid, all of the time. Some foods and drinks such as junk […]

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Do Bodybuilders Deadlift?

Do Bodybuilders Deadlift?

The deadlift is one of the most effective exercises that you can learn. Working the vast majority of your muscles and helping you to burn calories, and increase strength and power. But many people dislike deadlifts and would rather train without them. Do bodybuilders deadlift? If so, why? Is it possible to become a successful […]

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Do bodybuilders cut carbs?

Do Bodybuilders Cut Carbs? Your Questions Answered

Carbohydrates have had a bit of a bad rap over the past thirty years, which is unfair as they are perhaps the most effective macronutrient for fueling tough workouts. But many people claim that you should cut them out of your diet completely. Do bodybuilders cut carbs? And if so, does doing so offer any […]

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Does beer lower testosterone

Is Your Pint Killing Your Gains: Does Beer Lower Testosterone?

When it comes to beer and health, it’s no secret that I’m a big fan of having a balanced lifestyle, but not at the expense of looking after yourself. Alcohol consumption is always going to have an impact on testosterone levels, but then again so does everything: from how much time you spend outside, to […]

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Can Vegan Bodybuilding Build Muscle?

Can Vegan Bodybuilding Build Muscle?

Can Vegan Bodybuilding Build Muscle? A common criticism aimed at vegan diets is that they make it very hard to build muscle due to a lack of protein-dense foods. But is this really true? Can vegans build bodybuilding physiques without meat? It is possible to build significant muscle while following a vegan bodybuilding lifestyle. Though […]

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Do Bodybuilders Need More Vitamins?

Do Bodybuilders Need More Vitamins?

Bodybuilders eat a lot of food, it goes with the job. They are probably already consuming a lot more nutrients than most people. So why do bodybuilders often take multivitamins? Do bodybuilders need more vitamins? Or are they just wasting their money? The lifestyle of a bodybuilder requires more vitamins and minerals than that of […]

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Do Bodybuilders Lift Heavy or Light Weights?

Do Bodybuilders Lift Heavy or Light Weights?

If you’ve read my article on powerlifting vs bodybuilding, you may be under the impression that bodybuilders focus exclusively on light weights. Yet, this is far too simplistic. Just because Ronnie Coleman shouts “light weights” doesn’t mean he’s actually using them. So, do bodybuilders lift heavy or light weights? Bodybuilders tend to train with a […]

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